Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Heavy Seas

Nov 19: I've been dreading this ferry ride for days now. 7 hours is a long time to be on a boat. I wondered what the odds were that it would have air conditioning but I knew I was being too optimistic. Rei asked if I thought they'd sell sea sickness medicine on board and what type of snacks we might be able to buy. I assumed they didn't have any vending services on the boat. I'm thinking this is gonna be a real rough ride, likening it in my mind to the slow boat from Hyannis to Nantucket. Forgetting of course that I'm in a third world country and the slow boat on Cape Cod is a yacht compared to the wooden vestibule I'm currently sitting on. Think of it as a short hallway, with a long wooden bench on each side and a pig pile of backpacks on the floor in the center and that's pretty much what I'm looking at for the next 7 hours. I managed to score some prime real estate next to a window so I'm hoping this bad boy gets enough speed to offer some sort of a breeze. It's 8am and already sweltering hot. The one saving grace is that somehow there is free wifi on board and there's a chance that spotify might work. To Coron!

1 comment:

  1. Big smile on my face...love your expression in the photo and the description of your prime piece of real estate on the boat. Hope the journey is uneventful and Marty noticed you have a life jacket on -- yay! think of our temps here in the 20's tonight to help cool you off. Hopefully, we can "chat" in the morning if you have wifi. Tomorrow's day 4 of yoga for me...loving rediscovering it again. XOXO Vaya con Dios
